Our start date for 2024 is Wednesday 31 January. We will have staff only days on the days before this.
Next year will see some changes around our kura as our Principal Dave takes a well-earned sabbatical for the first two terms. This is important for his own development as he will complete some study into Pasifika achievement and education strategies – as a school and a Board, we wish Dave well with this fantastic opportunity.
Our Deputy Principal, Gillian, will be stepping in to act as principal in Dave’s absence and we will have a few other staff stepping up as well, including Emma Saul and Craig Gilmour. Emma will take on some of the Special Needs Coordinator role (SENCO) and Craig Gilmour will have the chance to hone his skills in the leadership and operational area of Koraunui, taking on Deputy Principal duties.
We will be working on ensuring there is continuity in Craig’s classroom while he is occupied with the Deputy Principal responsibilities.
At the end of this year, we will be saying hei konā mai (bye for now) to Whaea Louisa who next year will be working at St Brendan’s School in Upper Hutt. We are pleased to announce that Whaea Lily will be returning in 2024. We are also pleased to share that Whaea Liz will be joining the Te Puāwaitanga o Te Kākano syndicate next year and taking on the Team Leader role. Her knowledge and experience will strengthen this team and the work they do with tamariki.
We’re happy to report all Te Puāwaitanga o Te Kākano classes will be back into the refurbished Kowhai block for Term 1 – this is an exciting result for everyone who gets to work and learn in these updated spaces.
All up, there will be three junior mainstream classes and two senior mainstream classes along with two junior and two senior classes in Te Puāwaitanga o Te Kākano syndicate.
Change can bring uncertainty, but there are firm plans in place to make sure there is little disruption for our tamariki. We – the Board of Trustees and staff – are working hard behind the scenes to formulate a plan that provides consistency, clarity and surety, all within the budget we have from the Ministry of Education. We are working with Ministry representatives to ensure that, where available, we are receiving all additional support we can for our pupils and school.
Please get in touch with Dave or Board Presiding Member Spencer Hiess if you have any questions.
Thank you and happy holidays!
Spencer Hiess on behalf of the Board of Trustees