What is a bioblitz? Nga taonga o Koraunui. The treasures of our valley.
BioBlitz is a scientific race against time. It is educational. And it is heaps of fun!
...Listen to Mrs C in an inspiring Radio NZ interview.
The Curious Minds Site has a really good article on their site about all of the antics Mrs. C has helped our schools get involved in. You can Read the full article at the Curious Minds Site
The goal is to count as many species as possible in a 24-hour survey of a large urban area. Rather than a large urban area we thought that Horoeka Street Reserve would be a great place. The children are already familiar with the reserve and we hope to identify lots of native species.
Over the year we have had a school wide focus on learning about our native species, the minibeasts (bugs and spiders) or invertebrates, the birds, the plants and the mammals.
Classes have been working hard all year to learn as much as they can about native species. This created a great basis for identifying species when they got to work with some of the 60+ scientists who came to school on Monday November 6th.
We had specialists who know all about plants, weta, gecko, skinks, insects, moths and so much more.
Predator free NZ were here and were hoping to have enough community interest to set up a Predator Free Stokes Valley Team.
The children had the opportunity to visit a few places to see the native inhabitants and to get up close and personal with nature. We have been to Zealandia to see our endemic manu.
Ten students were offered the opportunity to attend the schools day for the Zealandia bioblitz which happened over the weekend of February 25th to 27th. There they got to work with scientists and staff from both Zealandia and Greater Wellington Regional Council.
We have some amazing creatures at school, what a wonderful opportunity to be scientists and find out more about them. Ka rawe koutou!