We were lucky to be involved with the blessing and launch of the Community Maara. Nei re ki a koe Debbie Kelly for the opportunity to participate and contribute to this. Some of our tamariki, who have been involved with Enviroschools were given the chance to work alongside the Hurricanes both at the new community maara and the maara at kura. Thanks also to He Puawai Trust and everyone else who was involved in coordinating this day.
There is a wonderful write up in The Post about this initiative. https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350124754/brad-shields-digs-deep-stokes-valley-foodbank
Want to learn to create a garden, and grow your own vegetables for free?
He Puawai Trust gardening guru Juliette is running another free gardening session in the Koraunui School māra. Please sign up at the school office or email stokesvalleykai@hepuawaitrust.com if you're planning to attend, to ensure we bring enough seedlings for you to plant as well as take home. Minimum of 6 participants for the free gardening sessions to go ahead. Come and learn what to plant and take seedlings home all for free.
Gardening Workshop: Saturday 2nd December 1pm
Please bring:
Gloves, hat and suitable covered footwear for gardening and wear sunscreen,. These are tamariki friendly events.
He Puāwai Trust
We are delighted to be able to support the wonderful people of He Puāwai Trust as they look to build community gardening and cooking skills in Stokes Valley.
Longtime resident and community connector of Stokes Valley, Debbie (Matua Bruce’s wife) is our new Stokes Valley Kai Coordinator. Nau mai haere mai Debs!
Debbie will be running Kai kit/cooking classes, starting at Koraunui School, but with other opportunities coming also, very soon! Working alongside whānau in all things kai, but with a special focus on growing, cooking and sharing skills.
If you're keen to take part in community classes, or want to join the kai movement beginning to take shape in Stokes Valley, please contact the school office or get in touch here: stokesvalleykai@hepuawaitrust.com
Let's Grow Stokes Valley.
Cooking up a storm in Kids Kitchen
We are grateful to have Whaea Debbie coming in on Wednesday mornings to do some cooking with our Year 6 tamariki. This is a great experience for them and they are making some really tasty food. I can personally vouch for this.
If you would like to join Deb for a cooking session, she will be based in our Kids Kitchen every Wednesday morning from 9.00am.
If you would like to make this dish at home the recipe has been attached to the newsletter and available below.
Recipes to download