Pink shirt day – FRIDAY 19 MAY
Wear a pink shirt or bring a white t-shirt if you want to get it printed in pink – on the deck outside Room 7.
By celebrating Pink Shirt Day our Kura will be a part of a powerful movement to spread aroha and kindness and end bullying. The Mental Health Foundation runs Pink Shirt Day to raise awareness about bullying prevention and provides free resources to help make our schools safe and inclusive for everyone.
Information about this day can be found here https://www.pinkshirtday.org.nz/
pink shirt day - 2021
Room 4 designed Pink T shirts to share the message of “Say no to bullying”.
All the children learnt about the different types of bullying at school and they signed a Treaty to say they would stop these.
They did a fabulous job of designing their T shirts.
Thank you to everyone for supporting Pink Shirt day. It was fantastic to see so many wearing pink and bringing along a gold coin to help support this day. $156 was collected. Every dollar raised helps the Mental Health Foundation to run Pink Shirt Day, raise awareness about bullying prevention and provide free resources to help make our schools safe and inclusive for everyone.
By celebrating Pink Shirt Day and raising money to support the kaupapa, our school/kura is a part of a powerful movement to spread aroha and kindness and end bullying.
More information about this day can be found here .