Koraunui School
Touch Rugby Term 1
Kia ora parents and caregivers,
Your child has indicated that they would like to play touch for Koraunui School this term. The games will be played at Fraser Park on Thursday afternoons starting from Thursday 15th February. Games will vary in time from 3.30pm to 6.30pm. Please keep an eye on the Total Touch Website, as well as the Koraunui Facebook Page.
The cost per player will be $22.00. This needs to be paid to school before you child plays their first game. If you have outstanding fees to pay from previous years, these will need to be paid also.
Your child will be provided with a red singlet to wear. If they could wear dark shorts (preferably black) that would be greatly appreciated.
A reminder, without coaches we will be unable to put teams in. We also need committed players who turn up to both games and practices consistently.
If you have any questions, please call the office.
PLEASE RETURN THIS PĀNUI BY WEDNESDAY 7TH FEBRUARY. This may be done online or download it here.
Ngā mihi,
Craig Gilmour