kccwide v2

Koraunui Care Centre offers before and after school care during the school term and holiday programmes during school holidays.         

KCC welcomes all enrolment applications from current and prospective pupils of Koraunui School. This includes children who have moved through our school on to intermediate and college, up to the age of 14.

Children must be at least 5 years old to attend care.

We are open during the school term between:

7am – 8.15 am and 3.00 - 5.45pm Monday Tuesday and Thursday
7am – 8.15 am and 2.00 – 5.45pm Wednesday and Friday


The care centre holiday programme is open for a minimum of 6 weeks per year, up to two weeks of each term holiday and either 3 or 4 weeks in January, depending on the length of the summer school holiday break.

Enrolments for the holiday programme are treated separately to the care centre term enrolments.

The centre is closed on public and school holidays.



Koraunui Care Centre (KCC) is governed by the Koraunui School Board of Trustees through a KCC management group comprising of:

  • The school principal
  • The care centre co-ordinator
  • The care centre supervisor

The Koraunui Care Centre maintains close links with the general school operations and is viewed as an integral part of the school/community partnership in providing quality education and welfare to children in the Stokes Valley community.


To meet the needs of Koraunui School families by providing a secure, stimulating, consistent, professional and caring environment, both before and after school (and during some weeks of school holidays), for their children aged 5 to 14.


Koraunui School policies and procedures can be accessed at the SchoolDocs website (username and password are both koraunui). 

KCC Policies and Procedures

Koraunui Care Centre Terms and Conditions

Appendix 01 Reporting abuse

Appendix 02 Cleaning Roster

Appendix 03 Staff and Parent Appraisal

Appendix 04 Staff Code of Conduct

Appendix 05 Giving Medication

Appendix 06 Accident and Incident Report

Appendix 07 Volunteer Code of Conduct

Appendix 08 Fire drill

Appendix 09 Earthquake drill

Appendix 10 Unaccompanied release form



Our Holiday Programme runs during school holidays where there is enough demand to do so. 

Please see the Holiday Programme Page for more information and enrolments on the next holiday programme.

Please note, due to circumstances beyond our control, times and content of the programme may be altered from the original advertisement.

Please click here to view or download Our Holiday Programme Terms and Conditions


The staff/child ratio for before and after school care is 1:10

Occasionally, in cases of a parental emergency and at the discretion of the school principal, this ratio can be increased.

The holiday programme staff/child ratio will be 1:10, excursions will be 1:8 and any activities around water will be 1:6 as a maximum, or a lower ratio if required to meet risk assessment needs.

Catering for children with identified learning, physical or health needs may require a lesser ratio. This to be decided by the KCC management team.

There will be a minimum of 1 staff member on duty at all times. This person will be the supervisor or 2IC.

Our fee structure for permanent care in the 'In Term' programme is:

Permanent full week care: (Placement is guaranteed when the booking is made)

$60 per week for the afternoon sessions

$35 per week for the morning sessions

$85 per week if they attend both morning and afternoon sessions in the same day


Permanent part time care: (Placement is guaranteed when the booking is made)

$12 per afternoon session

$7 per morning session

$17 for the day if they attend both morning and afternoon sessions in the same day


Casual care: (Placement is not guaranteed)

$14.00 for an afternoon session

$9.00 for a morning session,

Holiday programme

$5.00 per hour 

Holiday Programme costs are separate and listed on our site when bookings are available.

Please note:

Placement is guaranteed when a permanent booking is made. Placement for casual care is not guaranteed, so must be negotiated with the care centre co-ordinator. 

All fees are to be paid in advance of the programme beginning.  This applied to before and after school care and the holiday programme.

If a child is not collected by 5.45pm, a fee of $10 per 5 minutes per child, or part thereof, will be charged for delays in collection (See policies available at the Programme Centre).


We are Child, Youth and Family Service approved, which means that families that qualify will be able to get a subsidy from WINZ to help with their fees.  If there is a shortfall between the funding available and our fees, you must meet this shortfall yourself.  Once you apply for and receive a WINZ subsidy, it is your responsibility to let WINZ know of any change in your circumstances, including cancelling your funding if you no longer require care.


Payment in cash/cheque/eftpos can be made at the school office, by automatic payment or a WINZ payment.  All fees must be paid in advance of the programme commencing.  You must pay for the days that your child is booked in, whether they attend or not, this includes public holidays.

Any charges incurred in recovering outstanding fees will be passed on to the parent/caregiver.

KCC welcomes all enrolment applications from current and prospective pupils of Koraunui School. This includes children who have moved through our school on to intermediate and college, up to the age of 14.

Children must be 5 years old to attend care.,

Parents can obtain an enrolment form from the school office or the care centre during work hours, or may request that a form be sent home. Here is a downloadable version of the form. An online version is also available.

Should there be no place available on receipt of application, the family will be placed on a waiting list.

The waiting list will give priority to children who already have siblings attending the centre. For new families, the waiting list is strictly in order of receipt of the signed application. The only exception to this is where facilities/staffing or combination of children may affect enrolment of a child with significant special needs, which will need to be planned on a case-by-case basis.

An enrolment form must be completed and signed by parents/caregivers before a child can participate in the programme.

KCC’s policies and procedures will be accessible from the care centre and at the school office. These will outline their rights and responsibilities.

KCC will display a notice reminding parents that they must advise the co-ordinator or the supervisor of any changes to enrolment information and any other information which may affect KCC’s role in providing care for their child(ren).

Parents are responsible to inform the KCC supervisor or co-ordinator directly, verbally or in writing of:

Changes to information given on the enrolment form;

Any custody or access arrangements or protection orders that relate to the child;

Changes to attendance arrangements. e.g. The child attending an extra session or not attending as expected.

Parents must provide two weeks notice of withdrawal from the centre.

Please let the supervisor know as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent from the programme.  This can be done by ringing/texting the Centre’s mobile, Ph: 027-241-3028 and leaving a message if no one is available at the time.

  • The centre currently has wheelchair access, if disability toileting and showering facilities are required, disability facilities are available in Kauri Block next to KCC.
  • The term ‘identified needs’ includes, but is not limited to, children with physical, emotional and mental disabilities that may require specialist intervention (e.g. daily medication, ongoing grief-counselling, official medical diagnosis)
  • KCC welcomes the inclusion of children with identified needs, depending on limitations out of management’s immediate control such as lack of facilities, suitable staffing and ‘loading’ of other children with identified needs, which may delay a child’s attendance.
  • All efforts will be made to modify care centre facilities to accommodate disability needs that may affect enrolment.
  • The identified needs of a child and the ramifications of this will be determined by information gained from the enrolment form, dialogue between the parent and the co-ordinator/supervisor and, with permission of the parent, dialogue with school teaching staff involved with the child to develop consistency of approach with school, home and KCC.
  • Adequate staffing levels will be provided to reflect individual needs, 1 to 1 if necessary.
  • Staff, having been made aware of all need requirements (e.g. eating, seizure activity, toileting, medication) will be given specific training for any procedures necessary.
  • Any staff concerns will be addressed as they arise to ensure all have as much confidence in caring for children with special needs as with any other child.

Children will experience positive, consistent, caring and firm relationships from all KCC staff.

In alignment with Koraunui School procedures, staff will endeavour to use KORAU Values and apply CHOICE Theory principles at all times. These encompass expecting from children:

  • Care for self and others;
  • Speaking courteously and positively;
  • Looking after property;
  • Taking responsibility for actions;
  • Playing fairly and safely;
  • Staying within designated boundaries.

Children will be encouraged to demonstrate the above through staff modelling, affirmation, role-play, solving circles, individual and group discussions.

Children will be held accountable for inappropriate behaviour, which may involve a range of actions by KCC staff;

  • Hold a solving circle to establish with a group how they can move forward positively.
  • Divert or remove a child from an activity for a period of time.
  • Be directly supervised by a staff member for a period of time.
  • Reduce the physical boundaries for the child for a period of time
  • All children are at different stages of self-management and maturity and may require consideration of their needs and limitations. This will be particularly pertinent to children with special needs
  • Significant verbal or physical abuse toward another child or a staff member which may affect physical or emotional safety will require more serious action. This should be referred on by staff to the supervisor to carry through. The episode will be recorded on the incident register (see Appendix 6) and the parent informed. Immediate action could include;
  • Separation to another room in the care centre and supervised away from the other children.
  • Removal from the care centre for a period of time and supervised at the school office by a member of the school management team, if available.
  • If very serious, the parent contacted to collect the child immediately. Should this action be required a meeting with the parent, child and KCC management team to be held as soon as possible and before the child can return to the care centre.
  • Repetition of such behaviour may result in the child losing a place in the care centre for a short period of time or permanently. This decision to be made by the management team.

Please provide your child his/her own healthy morning tea, lunch and a drink for school, as the remainder is sometimes eaten after school.  Afternoon tea will be provided.  If your child has any food allergies, please ensure this is clearly stated on the enrolment form.  Every care will be taken to ensure your child does not eat products that you have informed us they are allergic to.


If at anytime you wish your child to be released from Care to walk/ride home on their own, you must sign the release form and phone on the day this is to occur.

Please do not drop your children off before 7am.  You will NOT be permitted entry to Care Centre.

  • Parents must ensure that the names of all adults (over 14 years) authorized to deliver and collect children are named on the enrolment form and that this information is kept up to date.
  • KCC staff will not release children to any person who is not identified on the enrolment form as an authorized person.
  • It is vital that parents keep the co-ordinator or supervisor fully informed of any custody or access issues. A copy of court orders must be supplied to ensure KCC staff are able to give evidence that a parent does not have the legal right to remove their child.
  • Parents (or the designated caregiver) must sign their children out when collecting them. 
  • In the mornings, all children are to be delivered to the centre and are to be ‘signed in’ by their parent.
  • Children may be released to leave unaccompanied if the parents have signed the Unaccompanied Release Form (Appendix 10). A register will be kept of children who leave unaccompanied.

Unexpected non-arrival

  • It is the parent’s responsibility to advise the supervisor or the co-ordinator if their child will not be attending the programme on any given day. As much notice as possible would be appreciated. "Parents of all known unaccompanied children will be contacted if their child does not arrive by their specified arrival time as recorded on their enrolment form.
  • At the end of the school day (2.50pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) and (1.50pm Wednesday and Friday), the KCC staff member responsible for collecting children will get the pickup list from the office then children are collected from their classrooms where a roll will be called. If children are missing, they will check with the teacher and then the office for more information.  Teachers will have a KCC list for permanent attendees so they are aware who should be going each day. Upon arrival at the care centre, the roll is called again. If a child is expected but does not arrive, the supervisor will talk first to the school office to see if the child’s whereabouts is known, then contact the parent. Should the child’s whereabouts still be unknown, the procedure outlined under Health and Safety: b: Supervision will be followed through.

Non-collection of children

  • If a child is not collected by 5.45pm, the following applies:
  • Staff members must remain with the child while an attempt to locate the parent is made, or if a parent has made contact to explain a delay. At this point alternative arrangements for emergency care can be made between the supervisor and the parent.
  • If unsuccessful, other people authorized to collect the child will be contacted.
  • If unsuccessful and the child has not been collected by 6.45pm, the supervisor can leave the child with school senior management, if still on site, or take the child to the Lower Hutt Police Station, leaving a note at the care centre explaining where the child has been taken.
  • The co-ordinator and the school principal will be informed of this action and this will be written in the incident register.

A fee of $10 per 5 minutes per child, or part thereof, will be charged for such delays in collection.


  • Personal information about children, their families and staff members will remain confidential to those who have a need to know to enable them to do their work and maintain the well-being of the children in their care.
  • All written information will be filed securely and accessed only by authorized personnel.
  • All discussions will be held discretely and in private wherever possible. At no time should children be exposed to discussions clearly intended for adults only.

In the case of a serious accident or illness involving your child, the staff will contact you, to enable you to take your child to a medical facility.  They will also call an ambulance if they deem it necessary.  In a civil emergency, the staff will remain at the centre until all the children are collected.  The centre has adequate emergency supplies available to them.

The entire school, including the care centre is smokefree at all times.

Staff must leave the school grounds and go somewhere out of sight of the children to smoke.

Staff may only smoke during their designated break times.

Any items brought by children to the programme are the children’s own responsibility.  Please do not send them with any money or valuables.

From time to time, the centre will, using their discretion, view a PGR movie (e.g.) Shrek/Cats and Dogs, Willy Wonka etc.  These movies will always be age appropriate and if you do not wish for your child to view such material please inform the supervisor who will advise you of the days you will need to make alternative childcare arrangements.

Please DO NOT send along children who are sick, as we do not have the facilities to care for them.  If a child becomes ill during the programme hours, parent/caregivers will be called and asked to collect their child.


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