We have hosted professional learning for about 30 teachers from schools in our Taita/Stokes Valley Kahui Ako with a focus on structured literacy. The sessions have been designed to improve teacher knowledge and understanding of structured literacy and how this benefits tamariki as they learn literacy skills they need to take them through life.  These sessions are a part of the combined professional development support provided to our school by the Ministry of Education.  They have been wonderful opportunities for teachers from across our schools to work together and share their knowledge and experiences.  Over the past two years we have seen the benefit of using Structured Literacy as a part of our reading programme at Koraunui School and the new learning will enhance the work we do across our school.


This week six of our Kaiako (from Te Puawaitanga o te Kakano and Fetu o Le Moana) have had the privilege to attend a two-day professional development workshop with Structured Literacy guru, Liz Kane. The workshop has been invaluable to our Kaiako in expanding their knowledge of strategies and how to implement an explicit and culturally inclusive classroom literacy programme.  We are very excited to see how this new learning will be shared with our tamariki at Koraunui Kura and look forward to seeing their confidence and fluency in reading and writing flourish! Poipoia te Kākano kia Puawai!


2022 Te Puāwaitanga o te Kākano Kaiako

Whaea Shayne, Whaea Ruiha, Whaea Ana with Liz Kane at the workshop yesterday.


2022 Te Puāwaitanga o te Kākano Kaiako

Whaea Ceri, Whaea Ruiha, Whaea Ana being attentive learners with Liz Kane at the workshop yesterday.