2023 Matariki
Mānawatia a Matariki! This year Matariki fell during the term break and there have been many opportunities for communities to join in celebrations around the region. If you would like to learn more about Matariki click on the links below from the Matariki and Te Papa websites.
Tamariki are learning about Matariki this week and we will take part in a range of different activities on Friday with the week to build on the knowledge and understanding of tamariki.
Tamariki from Fetu o Le Moana went along to see Tiki Taane perform at the Stokes Valley Community Hub. The performance was called Mai Te Uira. It weaves music and digital media together and talked about the atua of Aotearoa
Celebrating 2022 Matariki
Children learned about Matariki during the week and Te Puāwaitanga o te Kākano led a Matariki assembly before tamariki split up to take part in different activities around the school. It was great to be able to provide a range of different learning activities for the tamariki. Thank you to Whaea Ruiha for putting so much time into organizing Matariki celebrations and to the staff for organizing activities for tamariki.
The Monday after the Matariki Holiday, Room 4 held their annual Matariki Breakfast. The children made star shaped 'fairy' toast and drank hot milo with marshmallows. They ate on gold tablecloths decorated with glitter and stars. Everyone participated in making the breakfast a special time. Afterwards, the children shared their wishes for the year ahead.