A keen group of artists, led by Whaea Ceri from Fetu o le Moana have been working on designs for a mural based on Tangaroa to brighten up the senior playground.
23 November 2022
Design update from Whaea Ceri
Work on the Tangaroa mural on the old senior playground is almost complete, with only the finishing touches now needed. It has been fantastic to see how our young artists have persevered with the project this year with all of the obstacles and weather challenges they have had along the way.
8 June 2022
Design update from Whaea Ceri
On our increasingly rare sunny lunchtimes we’ve been adding to the Tangaroa mural—the artists are now adding the fun stuff! We’re working on adding detail, colour and pattern to our art now. It’s coming together quickly now!
12 April 2022
Design update from Whaea Ceri
The mural team have completed their design for the mural for the senior playground and will now begin painting their masterpiece onto the wall of the playground next term. We can’t wait to see the end product.